Useful links

The official body for inspecting schools and childcare settings.

Early Years Foundation Stage
The EYFS brings together the Birth to Three Matters framework, Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage and the the National Standards for Under 8s Daycare and Childminding.

Help with childcare costs
From this page you’ll find information from the government about help with childcare costs, including tax credits, childcare vouchers and free early education for three and four olds.

Children’s Services in Norfolk
From this page you’ll find a wide range of information about services for children in Norfolk.

Visit the UK’s biggest parenting website.

The Meningitis Trust
Meningitis can strike in an instant and last a lifetime. The Meningitis Trust is here to help.

Child nutrition
Nutritionist Resource believe that healthy eating could hold the key to a long and healthy life. This page on their website provides nutritional advice for infants and pre-school children from professionals.