New website goes live

It’s been a while, but we’ve finally updated our original website which has served us well since 2007.
Our website is primarily an information site where parents can find out what we have to offer. We asked some parents (and staff) what they would like to see on the site and hopefully we’ve achieved that. Each of our four nursery schools gets a dedicated page, including a link to our latest Ofsted reports, a profile of the Nursery Manager, a gallery of photos and a link as to how to find us.
All the children featured on our website attend Once upon a time. We thank their parents for giving us permission to include them. We’d also like to thank all those parents who provided us with testimonials. We had over 250 to choose from!
There is a ‘Careers’ page to cater for anyone looking to join our team, and a ‘News’ section which we hope to add articles to at least once a month.
We’ve also made it easier for parents to register a place for their child by including a button in the top right-hand corner.
Finally, our thanks go to the team at Beacon IT who lovingly designed and thoughtfully built this website.